Push Out
PUSHOUT : THE CRIMINALIZATION OF BLACK GIRLS IN SCHOOLS is a feature length documentary which takes a close look at the educational, judicial and societal disparities facing Black Girls. Inspired by the ground-breaking book of the same name by renowned scholar, Monique W. Morris, Ed.D. The documentary confronts the ways in which the misunderstanding of Black girlhood has led to excessive punitive discipline which in turn disrupts one of the most important factors in their lives, their education.
On These Grounds
Today, police officers patrol the hallways of over half of American schools with very little vetting or oversight. Students — most often students of color, students with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ students — receive infractions from officers for adolescent behaviors that historically were addressed by school administrators, increasing the rate of suspensions, expulsions, and arrests of young people. Hundreds of thousands of young people are pushed out of schools and into the carceral system through police interaction at school.
We're calling on @mollymspearman and local decision makers for @richland.one to remove school resource officers from Richland One Schools.
Watch this video to learn more about the disproportionate effect policing has on Black youth. Then, support us in taking a stand against the criminalization of Black youth in Richland One by signing our petition